Saturday, March 22, 2014

Happy Horse, Happy Life

It has been about two weeks since I had Stryker worked on by a woman who practices a very interesting form of chiropractics. I will put the link to her website here, The name for what she does is "body work" I believe and I encourage every horse owner to look into it. It was extremely interesting to watch and I'm completely sold on the methods she used. 

Stryker (as I assumed) was out in his hips, had a rib out and was extremely sore. She worked all over his whole body and he even did some self adjusting which is when the body adjusts itself without the practitioner actually having to directly influence the area. When the body adjusts itself the adjustment generally lasts longer. Anyway, I practically worshipped this woman by the end of the appointment. Strykers top line looked better, he was standing more upright and wasn't cocking his hind feet every chance he got. He walked with so much more suppleness and most amazingly, his back wasn't sore whatsoever! He got two days off following the adjustment and then we slowly integrated him back into work. Now, the therapist warned me that his attitude and aggression had probably become a sort of reflex and a habit and that he needed to be worked correctly in order to learn that he can be comfortable while working. The first three or so rides after his adjustment he tried giving me an attitude a few times throughout my ride. With persistence and tactful riding, however, he has become so much more willing. I have become more attuned to the subtle hints he gives before deciding to explode. For example, when he would kick out at my leg he was giving me plenty of warning. First he would suck back from my leg and pin his ears, then when I didn't insist he go forward he would twist his body around one of my legs so that I felt like his neck, mid section and hind end were all going in different directions, and finally he would really suck back and kick out. What I have been doing differently is correcting him for the thought. If he pins his ears at me that horse better go forward and if he tries anything more he gets a smack on the hind end or shoulder. 
For 2 weeks he has been steadily improving. He hardly gives me an attitude anymore and when he does he practically corrects himself before I have the chance. He is going forward and lifting his forehand and his lateral movements are improving so much! I'm so proud of him! Our shoulder in is getting consistently more forward and correct and he is beginning to give me honest half-pass steps (even if it's only 3). We are really challenging him now, every ride I am doing lateral movements interrupted by a spurt of forward movement, in the walk he is doing turn on the haunches and we have begun working on counter canter again. He is accepting all of the work and has a happy demeanor while doing it. Let me tell you how much of a breath of fresh air it is to ride a willing horse. Not to mention how good it feels to know that my horse isn't in any pain. 
The chiropractor will look at him again in 2 weeks and I'll have galaxy checked out as well. Speaking of Galaxy, I just love that horse. He has so much heart and he's just so stinkin cute. He's a little half passing machine and he's really taking the contact now. I stretch that horse to death at the beginning of my ride and he gets so forward and swinging in his back that when I really go to work I can achieve long, supple strides rather then short, tight little trot strides. His lateral work is better then ever and it feels so good to have him accepting the contact and keeping it himself without constantly dropping it or inverting. 
 It's a good thing I love him so much because I don't have time to ride him until after work, usually around 6:45 so I've been in the barn until about 8:00 most nights working him. Luckily the sun is out until then. During the day I have been able to ride the upper level horse that I had a few lessons on at the beginning of my time here. It's really wonderful being able to ride something that gives me the opportunity to work so much on myself. Not to mention the fun I'm having with one tempis, piaffe and passage :)
Random thought-In one of my lessons a while back it was pointed out that when I was trying to influence the rein I would usually pull my hand out without being loose in my elbow and shoulder, or I would bring my hand back without being loose in my elbow and shoulder. What I have been told to do now is use my whole arm, so when I need to bring my hand back at all I bring it back from my shoulders. My arm moves back from my shoulder and my elbow bends to take my hand back... Kind of like a train only without the circular motion... I hope that makes sense. 
Anyway, I'm down to only 2 months and 2 days until I go home. I can't even imagine what I'm going to accomplish with the boys in that time. I'm excited to find out though! 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Becoming an Educated Owner and Rider

Ok, it's been awhile.
I am learning how to be a horse owner. Being here in Florida, on my own with my two horses has really made me see how uninvolved I have been in their care. Not only am I the decision maker now, but, Stryker (being the princess and the pea) has given me the opportunity to see that as a horse owner, I cannot blindly trust anyone really. I'm learning that I need to educate myself and be able to make decisions for myself according to what I think is best for my horses.
Stryker has been having all sorts of problems, at first I thought it was attitude, but it kept getting worse and I realized that he was in pain. I had the vet look at him at first and do a flexion test. He tested positive on his hind legs and the vet immediately wanted to give him injections and put shoes on his front feet. Of course, I wanted to do what she said, but wasn't sure if it was the right thing so I reached out to some people I trust and made my decision based on that. I decided to have someone come out for a second opinion, a chiropractor who was recommended to me by a woman here in Florida. I am so glad I had her look at him, she worked on him for a full hour and by the end Stryker was not showing any pain in his back and showed so much more relaxation and comfort just in the way he was standing. The difference I saw in him after he was worked on was unbelievable! He has had 2 days off and will go back to work tomorrow. I am not expecting him to have let go of his attitude, because I believe that he's become defensive and until he realizes he can work without pain, his attitude will still be a defense mechanism.
Galaxy, on the other hand, has been getting worked primarily in the last week while Stryker has been in recovery mode. He was definitely worn out yesterday, in time for our day off. He's doing really good work, on the lunge and under saddle. Mrs. P thought it looked like I was fighting my saddle, as in my saddle was hindering my ability to balance and give aids. So, she put me in an old Spirig saddle, and wow, I absolutely hate to say it, but I will need a new saddle at some point. In the Spirig I was able to really feel his back and was lighter and more secure in the seat, not to mention how much more quiet my legs became. So, I'll put it on the future project list to keep my eye out for a used saddle that will fit both me and Galaxy. I had never realized before that a saddle has to fit the rider too, I mean more then just be big or small enough for the seat. It has to be shaped correctly for the rider and enhance the seat rather then just be something that you sit on.
I will hopefully get to put up an update after Stryker gets back into work again. I was so happy after I saw the change in his body after being worked on, but riding will be the real test. Wish me luck!