Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Happy belated Thanksgiving!
     I was fortunate enough to spend my Holiday in lovely Denver, Colorado. My beautiful sister Erica moved to Denver for graduate school in the summer of 2011. My family is a mountain people! We visit Estes Park (practically my second home) every summer and spend 10 days hiking, shopping, eating, laughing and sitting by the Big Thompson River.
     This Thanksgiving was so wonderfully laid back, we watched Football all day and let my mom and Karen do the cooking (thanks guys!). The next day, we all drove up to Leadville, Colorado which is about 2 hours from Denver, through Breckenridge. Such a gorgeous city, not to mention its mountains. First time hiking in the snow was a success and so much fun! Whenever I can get a chance to check out of the dullness of an everyday routine I take it. I love myself some quality adventures, especially when it involves my amazing family. Among the usual Denver festivities, we managed to make a trip to Estes Park (for Laura's Fudge of course), Erica took me mountain biking which is unbelievably fun and must become a new hobby. All in all, it was a wonderful holiday and I'm trying not to face the fact that tomorrow I go back to work and class and all of these unfortunate responsibilities.
Mountains at Twin Lakes

Erica, Helo and I taking advantage of some great lighting

     My horses have had quite the break as well! They definitely need to get back to work. Galaxy has probably turned into the chub monster which happens when he isn't ridden for a certain period of time. Hopefully Stryker remembers our last ride which was wonderful! He's developing cadence in the trot and is starting to really carry himself, I find myself grinning throughout my entire ride! This horse is so much fun. I also need to get these boys clipped. I'll put up some before and after pictures just for fun :).

Until next time!

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